Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Reflection on First Paragraph

It has been a long time since I've had to submit a paper, however long or short, for a grade. There is a structure to writing that I have not given much credit to over the years and the chapters in the book were very helpful in providing an outline for the assignment. I chose to write about 'Acts of Courage' - an option for one of the topics for the assignment. I have a tendency to be long winded and having to write on this topic (or any other) within the confines of a paragraph - was a great set of boundaries for me and challenged me to place my writing and my thoughts in organizational focus. I enjoyed the peer editing though it made me nervous and I was afraid that I might take the criticism personally; though in the end it was just fine and I believe my first turned in paragraph for this class became a success as a result.

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