Thursday, April 25, 2013

Ideas for First Born Essay

Oh my...if I could write about any topic what would it be? This is such a loaded question! I have so many interests and hobbies, it's hard to choose just what. What a luxury! Hmmm...should I write about North Korea, The Unicorn Prison State? Gardening and it's awesome therapeutic properties? Star Trek and why my favorite character is Data, how I so badly want a friend like him? Let's see, Historical Preservation, how to make candles out of bacon fat, leather work, sewing, bolt action rifles, herbalism, goats,'s true - I'm a special breed of awesome. WELL - I think I'll choose Goats. A dear friend of mine has a an organic goat farm, she makes cheese. I wish I had the time to visit her more often. I'm hoping I will be able to this summer. I've helped her out before on the farm, got up at the crack ass of dawn to milk the goats. I built her a hiking trail and learned how to make cheese. I fell in love with those goats and there are some being born as I write this! So, for my dear friend's Jan and Larry, my first born essay will be about goats. They sure are cute, and you tube can't get enough of em'.

I know a few things about goats. They have four stomachs. They love to eat thistle. Their digestive systems are incredible - they eat thistle, a very fibrous prickly plant to the touch with thorns.... Goats have rectangular pupils. Alpine and Nubian goats make excellent cheese and have a higher fat content in their milk. Goat milk is easier to digest that cow's milk and healthier too! Especially raw!  Fainting goats are hilarious. In terms of breeding, an ideal make stud goat should have solid wide legs, but relatively straight. This feature is ideally passed onto the female, the wider the stance the better, for holding utters. Give em' garlic and vinegar if they're sick, test their milk daily...

I could actually write a lot more! I love those little guys, goats that is. Someday I would like to have my own. There's plenty of information out there on goats between the library, my friend Adam in Kentucky, and the local goat cheese people here in Eugene - one can learn a lot!

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