Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Story....about Pancakes

At one point in time, I made the best pancakes this side of the ranger station. One evening hungry for something sweet, after much contemplation on what to make for myself without having to go to the store, I thought about pancakes and decided I would make some right then and there to satiate my desire for the sweet stuff. I did a terrible job.

I began by making my pancake batter from scratch, a relativity easy thing to make. Making pancake batter requires no real skill though later I would find - perhaps it did. So, I put together my batter, which one will often find recipes for. The recipe can vary and is often a matter of preference whether or not one adds sugar or spice into the batter. I add both. So I made my batter using flour, baking powder, vanilla extract, nutmeg, cinnamon, clove, cardamom, and ginger with a bit of sugar. Add water - but not too much - just enough to make the batter a very thick soup-like texture ,and you're on your way to making some awesome pancakes.

I buttered my skillet, and began to pour what has always been - the best pancakes this side of the ranger station. The batter stuck. Then the batter burned. Then I woefully scraped the pancake off of the skillet, turned the heat down, and started over. I buttered the pan again. I poured the batter. The batter stuck again. I began to wince. How could this happen? I was grumpy, lonely, bogged down with homework and I wanted pancakes! I continued this process until, in the end, I ended up with several marred, half cooked, ripped, gooey, torn, burned pancakes in a shameful heap on a plate I began to think of as embarrassed to hold them.

I cleaned up my mess, and glanced at the clock. The time was nearing 10:30pm and I still had a Star Trek episode to watch before bed. I dolefully stared at my pancakes which had fallen so far from grace and contemplated whether or not to eat them.

I did. They weren't the best pancakes this side of the ranger station, rather they were the worst pancakes on the right side of wrong - but I still ate them and terrible they were - covered in molasses (which I enjoy more than syrup) - they were tolerable and I ate them in silent protest of my failure.

I haven't made pancakes since then. I suppose I have some karma to redeem before recapturing the crown of my once revered griddle cake glory.


  1. I use the same ingredients when i make waffles, except sugar. I figure the syrup has enough sugar.

  2. lol, don't you hate when you feel you work so hard for something to come out right in the kitchen and it ends up being a hot mess? i like to make chicken wrapped bacon salads with hard boiled eggs mmm so good and really the hardest part is hard boiling the eggs i usually end up under boiling at least one egg every time haha but practice makes perfect

  3. Girl!! Now I want pancakes haha! But to be honest, I don't know how to make pancakes.. My specialty is French toast :) you'll have to give me a sample sometime when you make them again. So what is molasses?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks everyone! Molasses is an acquired taste, less sugary than syrup and a healthier sugar. Molasses has naturally occurring vitamins and minerals in it like magnesium, iron and B6. It's a thick brownish/blackish syrup that can be used in baking and as a general sugar substitute but possess a very different taste than sugar. Brown sugar, however - is made by mixing white sugar with molasses. My favorite way to have molasses is as a cookie and the absolute best one in town is the 'Jazzy Ginger' cookie from Bread Stop. It's BOMB!

  6. Great story and well told! Thank you for sharing! I'm not one for pancakes but I love all the spices you add they are yummy!

  7. Now I want cookies AND pancakes and, oddly, baked beans, as that's what my mother always used molasses for. Nice story, though I'm sorry about the ending. Was it an altitude difference?

  8. Unfortunately there was no altitude difference! My mother was often taken back when cooking back home in Virginia; after living in Colorado she had to get used to re-adjusting many recipes. I'm not sure what happened. I suspect not enough baking powder and too much water (?) I love baked beans with molasses! I feel this winter or fall the pancake sirens will call again and I shall be forced to return to them. ;)
