Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Online Sources for first Essay

For my first Essay I have chosen to write about Goats as more than livestock animals, but as companion animals as well. I would like to have goats of my own someday. I would like to make my own cheese. I prefer goat's milk over cow's milk as it is healthier and easier to digest than other milks and my biological clock would like something other than a dog or cat as a companion. I adore goats not only for their personality but for their practicality as well. Here are two online sources for this essay, posting as assigned.

1.)    http://www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/NewsEvents/FDAVeterinarianNewsletter/ucm133649.htm

Summary: This is a great article from the FDA on Goats as Pets. The featured paragraphs of the article seem to touch on everything I was curious about in writing my own essay. It gives a broad overview of breed styles, personality conflicts, general health, and part time opportunities for goat owner and steward ship such as a 4-H animal. It compares the common pet such as a dog or cat to the experience of owning a goat as a pet and draws hard boundaries between these two very different choices. I chose this article because the points it highlighted were points I was also curious of and/or plan to research and the FDA has some clout with the wider public so I thought I would take a look.

Title - 'Goats as Pets'
By - Amy L Adams, Ph.D
Published - FDA Veterinarian Newsletter May/June 2000 Volume XV, No III

2.)     http://fiascofarm.com/goats/getting-your-goat.htm

Summary: This website seemed to have a more fun atmosphere about it, it was one of the first choices to pop up on the Google search that I did and some major questions are posted at the very beginning/front page of the website. The entire website seems to be dedicated to 'Goat Health and Husbandry' which is what I am interested in, both for this paper and my personal life. It is easy to read with lots of endearing photos, colorful and the information is written from first hand experiences of people with goats as pets, livestock or both. This website, as advertised on it's front page, contains over 300 articles on Goat Husbandry!

Title - Many articles/paragraphs listed as subjects. I will explore multiples.
By - 'Fiasco Farm'

I have also been in touch with my friend Jan at Fraga Farm, owner and award winning Certified Organic Cheese maker! Love You Jan!



  1. Strangely, I just read about goats yesterday, though not in as much of a companion role. Some rescue goats (rescued from a restaurant -- does that count as rescue?) are going to be "mowing" the lawn at the Chicago airport. Link at NBC News.
