Monday, May 13, 2013

Learned from Essay #1

For my first essay, I wrote about goats. I chose to write about them because I felt I knew enough to outline a good essay. I remembered things I had long forgotten about goats - such as the popularity of Pygmy goats due to their size, and the fact they are an African goat, and are bred for meat. The call of a goat is called a 'bleat', which I had also forgotten. I did NOT know that there are over 300 distinct - DISTINCT! - breeds of goats. That is an incredible amount of biological diversity! Northern European Short tailed Sheep can often get confused for a goat, as their appearance is similar. The horn of a goat, also symbolizing the Cornucopia, abundance and well being, are still made into spoons, knives, and tools. In all my mention of goat dairy products in the essay, I forgot to mention BUTTER! DUH! And finally, Cashmere - which I wish I would have mentioned in my essay - as I always thought it was from a sheep - is indeed, one of the world's softest and most expensive fibers....from a goat.  :)

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