Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I think that the labeling of genetically modified foods (GMO's) on all products that have them should be a law. I believe that my money is my vote as a consumer. I believe that when I buy a product, I have a certain standard of quality or level of performance I expect out of that product. Genetically modified foods, in my staunch opinion, are unhealthy and ethically wrong. I believe in organic, local when possible, humanely harvested meats and produce. Genetically modified foods are anything but. GMO's are seeds and foods that are bio-genetically engineered to withstand everything from crop pests to inclimate weather. These foods are designed to be impervious against all odds and for one purpose - to feed the masses. Genetically modified fruits and vegetables are designed to produce more than they would at their natural rate and if the seed is not genetically modified, crops that are under research for this purpose are often sprayed with pesticides. I do not want to eat food that has been treated with chemicals to survive, when it has the ability to do so just fine on it's own. I do not want the chemicals and pesticides sprayed on foods to enter my body, nor do I want the hand of some lab technician playing God with the seeds that birthed my food. The high yield of GMO foods are often due to the laws of supply and demand, provoking companies like Monsanto that back GMO product and research to produce and sell as much food as they can engineer. I believe this is unethical, because the drive for this behavior is rooted in how to make the most money out of the situation instead of providing health and sustenance to a community. Many people are not bothered by this, or are even aware of it. The power to choose what we put into our bodies and the control we have over our health should be a right, not a privilege. This is why I believe that all GMO products should be labeled so that the consumer is aware of what is in their food and weather or not is is a natural byproduct of the planet or engineered by a scientist. Genetically modified foods would still exist, but the consumer would be more aware of the quality of their product. If this were a law, I believe that it would empower the consumer to make healthier choices for themselves and their families. The issue of GMO's is highly controversial, and reminds me of a line in a song by Ani DiFranco - "...any tool is a weapon if you hold it right..." 

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